Leverage Gratitude & Goal Setting To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

Leverage Gratitude & Goal Setting To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

Gratitude and goal setting fit together very nicely. 

And one can not be fully achieved without the other!

As we prepare for 2024, let’s unpack how we can leverage both of these practices in order to have the most successful and balanced year yet. 

Gratitude and goal setting fit together very nicely. 

And one can not be fully achieved without the other!

As we prepare for 2024, let’s unpack how we can leverage both of these practices in order to have the most successful and balanced year yet. 


Take time (and even put it on your calendar) to reflect on where you currently are and where you want to be. Of course, tea is optional but recommended during this reflection time! This includes thinking about your current place in both your career and personal life. 

Consider the events of the past month and be grateful for each one of them. 

Have you owned your response to those events? If not, think about how you could have changed your response for a better outcome and how you will handle it in the future. 

Sometimes goals change, and that is quite all right. We often don’t think about what we want because we are too focused on what we are doing instead. Being productive and “doing” is fine as long as you are doing something that is leading toward what you want in the first place. 

Staying focused on gratitude while you’re goal-setting helps you focus on what is important in life and what is not.

Goal Setting

When we take the time to reflect on all of the wonderful and positive things that have happened in our lives, our mindset and, in fact, this very world starts to change. It doesn’t end with mindfulness and awareness. It ends with action. 

Be proactive. 

Give back. 

Say simple phrases like “Thank you” and “I love you.” 

Inaction is a choice. 

Should you make the choice not to act, people and things will continue to move on without you. Be in the now and take time for intentional mindfulness and intentional action to express gratitude. 

Things don’t always continue in a single direction, and they certainly don’t move in a straight line. We must recognize this and appreciate it. Otherwise, when change invariably comes, it will seem devastating. 

You’ve been placed where you are for a purpose – the way in which you can make a difference in the world. Be mindful to recognize that but also be aware that it may change and evolve. In the end, we all must be thankful for all of the small details and bigger events that have brought us this far and to the point at which we all are. 

We’re not robots in our lives. 

We’re not the “what.” 

We are the “why.” 

We are all human with hearts, souls, and spirits. Take time to reflect on your own why rather than what you are. You are here for a purpose. Sit with a cup of tea and discover what it is... 

Today, tomorrow, and always.


P.S. If you’re interested in putting your love for tea into a more formal practice in 2024, check out our Universi-Tea Program! This is a place where you can become a certified tea specialist from anywhere in the world.