Girl Scout Cookies Are Best Enjoyed With Tea: Here Are The Pairings You Need To Try This Season!

Girl Scout Cookies Are Best Enjoyed With Tea: Here Are The Pairings You Need To Try This Season!

There are several tea blends and herbal infusions that have flavors similar to the most popular Girl Scout cookies. And the best part? Tea is sugar-free, making it a healthier and more satisfying alternative to pair with your favorite cookies!
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Recently, I came across a wagon full of Girl Scout cookies being sold at a springtime bazaar. It had been over four years since I last purchased a box of Girl Scout cookies, but I couldn't resist buying one of each kind (I mean… who can resist them?). 

As I was thoroughly enjoying these sweet treats, I realized that they were packed with sugar and obviously not the healthiest option for a snack.

That's when it hit me – why not pair these cookies with tea instead? 

There are several tea blends and herbal infusions that have flavors similar to the most popular Girl Scout cookies. And the best part? Tea is sugar-free, making it a healthier and more satisfying alternative to pair with your favorite cookies!

Thin Mints + Northern Serenity Tisane

Let's start with the classic Thin Mints. These cookies have a rich and minty flavor that can be paired with a variety of loose leaf teas. One tea blend that pairs perfectly with Thin Mints is the Northern Serenity Tisane – an herbal infusion with a minty and chocolatey flavor. This tea is caffeine-free, making it a perfect choice to enjoy in the evening with a crisp Thin Mint cookie.

Samoas + Vanilla Rooibos

Another popular Girl Scout cookie is the Samoas, also known as Caramel deLites. These cookies have a delicious combination of coconut, caramel, and chocolate flavors. To complement these flavors, pair Samoas with a warm cup of Chocolate Passion – a loose leaf spicy cocoa tea blend with an intense flavor. This tea is sure to compliment Samoas perfectly and create a delectable chocolate snack. 

Tagalongs + Assam

If you're a fan of Tagalongs, which are peanut butter and chocolate-flavored cookies, then you should try pairing them with a loose leaf black tea like Assam or Darjeeling. These teas have a bold flavor that can balance the sweetness of the sweet cookie.

Lemon Ups + Lemon Chamomile 

For those who prefer a citrusy flavor, there's the Lemon Ups. These cookies have a tangy and sweet flavor that can be paired with a soothing tea like Lemon Chamomile. This relaxing loose leaf tea has refreshing flavor and gives your body a little TLC that compliments this citrusy spring-time treat.

Seasonal teas  and Girl Scout cookies can make a delicious pairing. By choosing the right tea blend, you can enhance the flavors of your favorite sweet treats while also enjoying the health benefits of tea. So, the next time you have a box of Girl Scout cookies, don't forget to brew a cup of tea to go with it!


To learn more about the health benefits & origins of various teas… 

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